The Da Vinci Code – Decoding Plot-Driven vs Character-Driven Novels

Robert Langdon, literature’s most famous symbologist, is called in to solve a bizarre murder at the beginning of The Da Vinci Code. The murder sets the plot in motion, driving the hero into a race to solve the puzzle before the villains. Certainly, The Da Vinci Code must be a plot-driven novel. BUT Robert LangdonContinue reading “The Da Vinci Code – Decoding Plot-Driven vs Character-Driven Novels”

The Surprising Secret of Bestselling Fiction? Using Non-Fiction

Here’s proof that thriller writers have more fun. In his workshop on using non-fiction techniques in fiction, bestselling thriller author, Douglas Preston, pointed out that successful thrillers like Coma, The Firm and Raise the Titanic are, at their core,  non-fiction. So how do you integrate your passions about the real world into your fictional world?Continue reading “The Surprising Secret of Bestselling Fiction? Using Non-Fiction”

Jurassic Park meets Inception in New Thriller Book

I am thrilled and relieved to announce that The Emerald Tablet, the second book in the Christa Devlin series, is now available as an ebook and print book on Amazon. Check out this description of what I’ve been working on for 2+ years: NEW HIGH STAKES THRILLER FROM BEST-SELLING AUTHOR ASKS READERS, WHAT DO YOUContinue reading “Jurassic Park meets Inception in New Thriller Book”

The Surprising Secret of Thrillers Readers Love

  As thriller authors and fans, we scour the virtual shelves for stories that weave in several key elements, but which is the one that keeps you turning pages? Is it… High Stakes  Often, the future of the world is held in the balance, whether it’s an evil conspiracy to control financial markets, a bio-weaponContinue reading “The Surprising Secret of Thrillers Readers Love”

How Leonardo DiCaprio Makes Thriller Writing Fun

I want to be like Castle on tv. He is an amazingly successful fictional fiction writer who spends as much time finding ways to have fun as finding clever plot twists. But since we don’t live in tv world for more than an hour or two at a time, I struggle as a thriller writer toContinue reading “How Leonardo DiCaprio Makes Thriller Writing Fun”

The War of Art – One Key Element to Success in Writing

UPDATED April 25, 2012 – Are you afraid of writing? In response to a writer’s request for advice on what to do about being afraid of using your gift of writing, I tracked down the following post I wrote for my other (neglected) blog, I realized that I had originally written this post onContinue reading “The War of Art – One Key Element to Success in Writing”

Top Seven Reasons to Self Publish and Three Reasons not to Self Publish

It’s my anniversary! One year ago, I did not have a blog, nor a twitter account. I did not know what a widget was or how to manipulate a jpeg. But I did have a thriller novel that I had worked hard on crafting. I wanted to connect with readers, not only to entertain, but to makeContinue reading “Top Seven Reasons to Self Publish and Three Reasons not to Self Publish”

Thrillers That Make You Think

I posted this Listmania List on Amazon. I’d love to hear what YOU think and if you have any recommendations to add to this list. I’m always looking for thrillers for thinkers! Thrillers That Make You Think A Listmania! list by Pamela Hegarty “pamelahegarty” (New Jersey) Share with friends The list author says: “If you’reContinue reading “Thrillers That Make You Think”