Thrillers That Make You Think

I posted this Listmania List on Amazon. I’d love to hear what YOU think and if you have any recommendations to add to this list. I’m always looking for thrillers for thinkers! Thrillers That Make You Think A Listmania! list by Pamela Hegarty “pamelahegarty” (New Jersey) Share with friends The list author says: “If you’reContinue reading “Thrillers That Make You Think”

Review of God’s Lions: The Secret Chapel

Or Why I’m Thankful for the Amazon Publishing Revolution I bought God’s Lions: The Secret Chapel because it was one of the titles listed under The Seventh Stone’s  listing on Amazon as “people also bought.” Usually, I’d be skeptical of a story with a priest as its action hero. Not that I would have had the choice. In theContinue reading “Review of God’s Lions: The Secret Chapel”